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The Art of Coffee

When this happens, normally I grab a coffee to help get the ideas flowing, but for the last few days in Montreal..

OffScreen Magazine

I’m glad to present you my pictures in the lastest OffScreen Magazine issue N°22. This article is about my trip in California in 2013. 23 likes

New Gallery

Two new retrospective galleries about portraits and cars/bikes. These are pictures I’ve taken since few years. All images are under copyright © Laurent Nivalle 14 likes


Mauritius was a very good trip. Nice people, nice places, great thinks to do and good coladas. Planning our trip, we had two flight options from Cape Town – either direct on Air Mauritius or via Joburg on SAA.

Collecting Air

As a kid, I spent a lot of time traveling alone on airplanes. Two weeks here, two months there, and then back again.